Emmanuel Baptist Church
8305 US Highway 301 North
Parrish Florida 34219
(941) 722-0218
8305 US Highway 301 North
Parrish Florida 34219
(941) 722-0218
Who We Are
Emmanuel Baptist Church exists to bring glory to God by making the good news of Jesus Christ known to all people. Our hearts desire is to rise up to the tasks that the Lord has set before us; to reach the lost and fulfill the Great Commission here in our local community and abroad.
Our Beliefs
Our History |
We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament are the inerrant, inspired and infallible Word of God. As such, God's Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God and He has chosen to reveal Himself as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe man was created in the image of God and the sin of Adam (the first man) marred that image, creating an eternal divide between God and man. Every person is born in sin. We believe the only way a person can have a true, forgiven relationship with God is through Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus became man without ceasing to be God. Our right standing with God is made sure because of His literal, physical resurrection. We believe in the literal, physical return of Jesus to judge the living and the dead. We believe God offers eternal life, namely salvation, as a free gift which must be received by the personal faith as a result of God's grace, not by works, by merit, or by birth. The life that comes from this gift is everlasting, and cannot be lost because of God's preservation through the work of the Holy Spirit. We believe that Emmanuel Baptist Church is a unique, distinct, and independently governed body of believers. Emmanuel Baptist Church is autonomous, free from external authority or denominational control, and exists to be on mission to enlarge God's Kingdom . We believe that believer's baptism and the Lord's Supper are the two ordinances of the church. In addition to the above statement of faith, we are also in general agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 of the Southern Baptist Convention. In the 1970s a group of ranchers donated land on Highway 301 for the purpose of building a church to reach the Parrish area. By 1977, Emmanuel Baptist Mission had been founded and a permanent facility was built in 1979. The congregation moved from a mission to an established church in March 1988, with much help from Manatee First Baptist. Over the years our church has been blessed to have a number of pastors and leaders who have guided us to where we are today. Now, Emmanuel sits at the crossroads of an incredible growth in the Parrish area. The dream of a group of ranchers 40 years ago is still unfolding, as Emmanuel sits ready to reach Parrish and beyond as we seek to "Rise Up and Build."
Friends of Emmanuel Baptist